PART 1:Introduction

×××××This post is in dual language (Chinese language and English language)

      As far as everyone is concerned, this blog which is mainly in Chinese language was created by two ambitious university students when they were in high school. They are jobless and broke. However, they are willing to spend their time to create high quality posts for everyone to read. If anyone wants to pay for their phone bills, they will appreciate for those who help them.

PART 2:Method to make donation

1.)去电话店或 7-Eleven 商店购买 UMOBILE 或 DIGI 的 PREPAID 充值卡。(多少钱也可以)
1.)Go to telecommunication shops or 7-Eleven convenience stores that sell prepaid cards specifically for Umobile or Digi. (The amount of donation is up to the donors)

2.)按这里来留下 UMOBILE 或 DIGI 的 PIN号码。(UMOBILE有14个 PIN号码而DIGI有16个PIN号码)
2.)Click here to leave the pin numbers for Umobile or Digi. (There are 14 pin numbers for Umobile while there are 16 pin numbers for Digi).

*****如果不介意,假设读者捐RM2,我们希望读者买RM1的UMOBILE和RM1的DIGI。捐了钱的读者的身份是保密的,小编们不知道是谁捐了。所以,至那些帮了忙的读者,感谢你们的慷慨解囊 :)
*****If the donors don’t mind, we hope that they will donate RM1 for Umobile and RM1 for Digi if they plan to donate RM2. The identities of the donors are encrypted, thus we will never know who are the donors. Therefore, thanks again for those who help us :)

3)Adsense 有个不让部落格作者强逼读者按部落格文章里的广告来获取收入的规则。所以,我们不会强逼读者按广告来让我们获取几美分。
3.) There is a rule in Adsense that does not allow the creators to ask their readers to click the ads in the blog posts for the sake of income. Therefore, we will not force our readers to click the ads to let us earn a few cents.

更多文章/More Posts : https://myblog20012001.blogspot.com/2017/10/blog-post_24.html
